
How to avoid heat exhaustion during heat waves


Nice weather oftentimes has us outside. We want to get out and move, do some gardening, maybe get some exercise outside. However, when temperatures start to rise into the 80s and 90s with high humidity, it can be difficult to not only stay comfortable, but to stay safe outside.

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5 Reasons for regular Chiropractic, Physical Therapy or Massage Therapy Treatments

Restoration of Function

Most people will seek out chiropractic or physical therapy treatments when they have a problem. This problem is usually phrased as “I have pain here” or “It hurts when I do this.” While this is completely normal, pain is NOT the problem but rather a symptom of the problem. Too often we find patients are focused on their pain rather than function, and will stop receiving treatment once their pain is gone.

Call it maintenance, wellness or check-ups, continued treatment is absolutely necessary for long term health benefits. Think of it this way, would you go to the gym 6 times then stop because you feel better? Of course not! You keep going because it helps you continue to feel great.

Here are 5 reasons we recommend regular visits for Chiropractic, Physical therapy or Massage therapy:

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Reducing Opioid Dependency by Managing Pain via Chiropractic Care


Opioid addiction is a huge problem right now in New England. With lack of resources to help the growing number of addicts, along with stigmas revolving around addiction and differing opinions on the best way to treat patients, it can be difficult for you or a loved one to find the help they deserve.

A big part of reducing opioid addiction is reducing the amount of opioid based drugs that are prescribed for pain. Alleviating painful conditions such as debilitating back pain, herniated discs, and otherwise can’t simply be done by throwing pills at the problem. Pain pills can be helpful in many circumstances, but for more permanent and helpful solutions, many people are looking to New Hampshire chiropractors to help eliminate pain.

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Warm Weather Activities and Stretches To Go With

Forget Me Nots

With all of the warm weather in New England currently, you might be dying to get outside and do a lot of moving around. With warm weather comes all of the things we enjoy doing outside, such as spring gardening, bike riding, path walking, and more adventurous things such as mountain trail hiking or climbing, camping, fishing, and more.

After sitting stagnant inside all winter (or not so stagnant if you participate in winter sports or did a lot of shoveling as some of us have), it may be difficult for you to just get up and go outside to enjoy the high-energy things you normally do during warm weather. Even just a few hours of strenuous raking can cause pulled muscles or pain in your muscles that can radiate for days or even weeks.

That’s why we stress the importance of stretching your muscles before you do any sort of physical activity. This is especially useful if you haven’t done that activity in a long while. What stretching does is loosens up your muscles and prepares you for the activity ahead. Stretching only takes a few minutes to perform, and it’ll save you days of aches and pains.

We’ve compiled a list of some great stretches to perform before you start in on some of your spring activities.

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Spring Gardening: Avoiding Aches and Pains in the Garden

Purple Flowers

Spring is technically here. With the first day of Spring being Monday, March 20th this year, a lot of people are itching to get outside to start doing some yard work. While the ground may still be frozen and yard work may be some ways away, you might start thinking about your gardening early this year. Many people love trimming up bushes and trees or planting seeds and bulbs in the ground. One thing to keep in mind, especially as you age, is the toll extended sitting, bending over, or doing a variety of garden chores can do on your body. Sudden aches and pains can be a very clear indicator of this and usually the first one you may see, as well as next day soreness or tight muscles.

How can you mitigate these aches and pains while still being able to enjoy what you love doing outside in the garden? We have some solutions for you.

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